
Protecting the natural and built environment is an important factor when commencing a development project. Many proposals therefore require an Environmental Assessment prior to the Local Planning Authority determining the suitability of a proposal; however the level of assessment will be dependent on the scale, type and location of a proposed development.
In general, for smaller schemes specific assessments are often required e.g. bat surveys, arboriculture reports. However for larger schemes more detailed Environmental Impact Assessments may be required. Atriarc has a talented range of Design, Environmental Health and Ecology staff to cater for most small to medium sized development needs. Where more detailed EIA's are required we work with other specialist companies to collate the required information to present a detailed review of the suitability of a particular proposal. Our current in-house specialisms include,
  • Ecological assessments
  • Contaminated Land Assessments
  • Noise Assessments
  • Licensing Support
  • Sustainable Design